Writings: Articles

Существует ли Бог?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
У меня есть друг, который говорит, что Вы не можете знать существует ли Бог потому, что Вы не можете Его видеть, поэтому он говорит, что неправильно базировать свою жизнь на догадке. Он также спрашивает, почему преданные приводят цитаты из писаний, неужели они не могут думать сами? » more

Existuje Bůh?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
Mám kamaráda, který říká, že nemůžeme vědět, zda Bůh existuje, protože ho nemůžeme vidět. Proto říká, že není dobré založit svůj život jen na nějaké domněnce. Také se ptá, proč zbožní lidé citují písma - nejsou schopni myslet sami za sebe? » more

¿Existe Dios?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
Tengo un amigo que dice que no se puede saber si Dios existe, porque no puedes verlo, por lo que él dice que es un error basar tu vida en una suposición. También se pregunta ¿Por qué los devotos citan las Escrituras? ¿No Son capaces de pensar por sí mismos? » more

Does God Exist?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
I have a friend who says that you cannot know whether God exists, because you cannot see Him, so he says it is wrong to base your life upon a guess. He also asks why devotees quote the scriptures; aren¹t they able to think for themselves? » more

Слушая Расика Ачарию

Aug 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 3
Правда ли, что для продвижения в сознании Кришны нужно слушать расика-ачарию (духовного учителя, продвинутого в наслаждении вкусом чистой преданности), находящегося на уровне Вишванатха Чакраварти Тхакура? » more

Hearing from A Rasika Acarya

Aug 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 3
Is it true that to make advancement in Krsna consciousness one should hear from a rasika-acarya (a spiritual master advanced in relishing mellows of pure devotion) on the level of Viswanatha Cakravarthi Thakura? » more

Медитация и Святое Имя

Jul 16 2000 - Krishna Talk 2
На что нужно направлять свой ум во время повторения Святых Имён Господа? » more

Meditation And The Holy Name

Jul 16 2000 - Krishna Talk 2
What should be the meditation of the mind while engaged in chanting the Holy Names of the Lord? » more

Частичка пыли

Jun 13 2000 - Krishna Talk 1
Kаким должно быть высочайшее стремление Гаудиа Вайшнава? Должен ли кто-то стремиться к положению манджари, которая может войти в рощи Вриндавана, чтобы служить Радхе и Кришне? Каково должно быть наше стремление? » more

A Particle of Dust

Jun 13 2000 - Krishna Talk 1
What should be the highest aspiration of a Gaudiya Vaishnava? Should one aspire after the position of a manjari who can enter the groves of Vrindavana to serve Radha and Krsna? What should be our aspiration? » more

Guru Parampara and Ritvik

Mar 17 2000 - Article
Many devotees are disqualified from understanding finer siddhantic truths by virtue of their impurities, material desires, subtle and gross deviations from the strict line of Sri Rupanuga-varga, and particularly because of their offenses to other Vaisnavas. » more

Sri Guru Pranali — Siddha Pranali

Sep 28 1998 - Article
A conversation between Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaja and a sannyasa disciple, held on Durga Puja, Sept. 28, 1998, Gopinatha Gaudiya Matha, Cakra Tirtha, Jagannatha Puri. » more

The Treasure of Bhakti

Date Unknown - Article
Obeisance to the most Magnanimous, the Giver of the Love of Krsna, the Own Self of Krsna, the Lord bearing the Name Krsna-Caitanya and possessed of the Form of golden hue! I submit myself to Sri Krsna-Caitanya, that merciful Person of wonderful deeds Who by the nectar of the treasure of His... » more


Date Unknown - Article
The sampradaya institution has existed in this holy land of Bharata since time immemorial. The word sampradaya is a passive nominal formation from the Sanskrit verb root, sam-pra-da ('to hand down'). Lexicographers define it as 'the instruction that is passed down in a line of spiritual masters.'... » more

Origin of the Jiva Soul

Date Unknown - Article
Since time immemorial, man has inquired about the origin of the soul. In the thinking of many neophyte devotees the soul falls down from eternal pastimes with Krishna due to mundane envy. In this brief essay, Srila Sridhara Maharaja answers this most vital of all questions: "Who am I? Where have I... » more

A New Temple on the Birth-site of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Date Unknown - Article
A short article reporting the opening of the Yogapitha temple in 1935, with additional background information. » more

Pujala Raga-patha Gaurava Bhange by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Date Unknown - Article
This song was composed by Guru Maharaja himself when we moved from the hired house in Calcutta (Bhaktivinoda Asana). The Deities were moved to a constructed matha (Bagh Bazaar Gaudiya Matha). The Deities were carried on a chariot and we were dancing and singing just in front of Them. At that... » more

Vaishnava Aparadha and The Path of Spiritual Caution - Introduction to "The Heart of Krsna" book

Date Unknown - Article
Offenses committed at the lotus feet of Vaishnavas, the Devotees, distance one from devotional service to the Supreme Lord. But in a higher sense it means to be removed from the service of Sri Radha. All divine service to Krishna is being conducted under her direction. To offend her servitors is to... » more


Date Unknown - Article
Salagrama-silas are sacred black stones that come from the Gandaki River valley of the Himalayas. Sila means stone. The qualities and characteristics of the Salagrama-silas are not found on stones anywhere on earth except in the Gandaki region. » more

Planets of Faith

Date Unknown - Article
Recently, we came across a discussion on the internet regarding sraddha - the importance of faith. Is it essential or only a necessity for the beginner? It is an area of siddhanta that is little understood by a vast majority of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas residing in western countries. » more

Sadhana Bhakti

Date Unknown - Article
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Srila Sanatana Gosvami that a most essential element of Sadhana Bhakti is guru-padasraya — one must take shelter at the feet of a qualified guru. Without this shelter one's devotional activities will not lead to pure devotional service. » more

Evidence From the Book 'Citre Navadvipa'

Rao Saheb Saradindu Narayana Raya
Date Unknown - Article
Some notes from the book 'Citre Navadvipa' published in 1930 by Sriyukta Saradindu Narayana Raya, secretary of the Navadvipa-dhama Pracarini Sabha. This book has many evidences including discoveries made by the famous Bengali historian Sri Nagendranath Basu. » more

The Vedanta

Date Unknown - Article
I stand before you as a teller. I am going to tell you now a few words more on the Vedanta and especially its ontological aspect, morphology being a former changeable part of the same. My telling craves a reciprocity of your listening to my sound through your aural reception. Sound is the main... » more

Positive and Progressive Immortality

Date Unknown - Article
If immortality means 'no influence of mortality' what, then, is its positive conception? What will be the nature, movement, and progress of that which is immortal? » more

The Post is Paramahamsa

Date Unknown - Article
If we try to understand everything in relationship with Krsna, then we understand vastava, reality. That is reality. If we study something minus Krsna, that is not real knowledge. Actually, Krsna is the original cause of all causes. Sarva-karana-karanam. So unless we come to the point of Krsna, any... » more